Alum is nothing short of a boon for our teeth. It works to remove cavities or plaque accumulated in the teeth. You can use alum as a mouthwash by dissolving it in water.
Alum has properties that work to remove body odor. For this, you can use alum by adding it to bath water.
Alum can also be used for whooping cough, asthma, and thyroid fever. You can use alum water to reduce these diseases.
UTI problem is most common in women. Drink alum water after waking up in the morning. Doing this provides relief from urine infection.
If you have swelling in your body or cramps and pain in your joints, then use alum water or add alum to warm water and foment it.
If you have dandruff problem, fungus in the scalp, then wash your head with alum water. By doing this, bacteria do not grow in the scalp and the scalp remains healthy.
If you have a lot of pimples and acne on your skin or if you have dark spots on your face, if you get a cut while shaving, then use alum.
Drinking alum water helps in reducing bad cholesterol. You can drink a glass of alum mixed water in the morning.
Drinking alum water can calm hunger and drinking alum water keeps the stomach full for a long time, which does not increase obesity.