
Danakil to Atacama: 7 places on Earth that feel like other planets

The Danakil Depression's alien heat, Salar de Uyuni's ethereal beauty transport us. Let's find out 7 places on earth that have landscapes which feel like from another planet

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Danakil Depression, Ethiopia

Known for its extreme heat, colorful mineral deposits, and active volcanoes, the Danakil Depression is often compared to the surface of Mars

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Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

The world's largest salt flat, Salar de Uyuni, creates a stunning mirror effect during the rainy season. The vast, flat expanse, combined with the thin layer of water

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Antelope Canyon, USA

Located in Arizona, Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon known for its smooth, flowing rock formations and stunning play of light and shadows

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Atacama Desert, Chile

Atacama Desert landscapes resemble surface of Mars. The Valle de la Luna in particular is famous for its barren, red terrain closely resembles Martian landscapes

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Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia is famous for its unique rock formations, fairy chimneys, and cave dwellings. The surreal landscape, shaped by volcanic activity, gives the impression of an alien world

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The Pinnacles, Australia

Located in Nambung National Park in Western Australia, the Pinnacles are limestone formations that protrude from the desert floor, it creates an alien like atmosphere

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Tsingy de Bemaraha, Madagascar

The Tsingy are sharp limestone formations that create a unique landscape in western Madagascar. The word Tsingy translates to where one cannot walk barefoot

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