
Chanakya Niti: 10 situations you should remain silent

Who doesn't want success in their life? If you want to be successful in every work, if you want to get respect in society, then these tips of Acharya Chanakya will help you.

Don't interfere in others' quarrels

If there is a fight going on and it doesn't concern you, please don't interfere. Getting involved in it can lead to problems in the future.

Be silent in self-praise

 You should be silent when people are praising you. Speaking there can humiliate you.

Don't talk bad about others

If someone is talking bad about a third person, you should be silent. The one who criticizes someone today may criticize you tomorrow.

Silence with incomplete information

If you do not have complete information about any subject, it is better to remain silent lest you harm anyone without knowing it.

With those who do not understand feelings

If the person in front does not understand your feelings, it is okay to be silent because such people do not respect your feelings.

Listen to others' problems

If someone is sharing their problems, listen patiently and remain silent until you find the right solution.

Be silent in anger

If someone is angry with you, face their anger silently. This will reduce their anger and make them realize their mistake.

Silence on unrelated issues

If the problem is not related to you, avoid talking about it. Talking unnecessarily can lead to humiliation.

Stay away from screamers

It is better to stay away from people who cannot express themselves without shouting. Shouting has a negative impact on others.

Silence in inappropriate situations

Talking unnecessarily about anyone can be harmful. So it is wise to remain silent in inappropriate situations.

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