Castor oil to Argan oil: 4 homemade serums for healthy Hair
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Homemade Serums
Homemade serums, containing natural ingredients like oils (castor, coconut), aloe vera, and essential oils can nourish the scalp, improve blood circulation, and provide vitamins
Coconut oil's conditioning properties hydrate hair and prevent protein loss. Castor oil's ricinoleic acid boosts circulation to follicles, promoting hair thickness. Mix equal parts
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Aloe vera and Jojoba Oil serum
Aloe vera's unclogs hair follicles while its vitamins and minerals nourish strands. Jojoba oil mimics natural scalp sebum, balancing oil production. Blend both for a soothing serum
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Green Tea and Argan Oil serum
Green tea's antioxidants reduce hair loss; argan oil provides vitamins for nourishment. Mix, apply to scalp, massage, and enjoy revitalized, potentially thicker hair