
Buddha Purnima 2024: 7 important places related to the Lord's life

Embark on a journey of enlightenment, tracing Buddha's sacred path through Lumbini, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath and others. Discover the essence of his teachings

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Lumbini, Nepal

Lumbini is home to the Mayadevi Temple, marking the exact spot where Buddha was born

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Bodh Gaya, India

Where Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi Tree. The Mahabodhi Temple Complex, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stands here

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Sarnath, India

Here Buddha delivered his first sermon, known as the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, setting in motion the Wheel of Dharma

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Kushinagar, India

Where Buddha attained Parinirvana, or final enlightenment, and passed away. The Mahaparinirvana Temple and the Ramabhar Stupa are notable sites here

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Sravasti, India

A significant site where Buddha spent 24 rainy seasons preaching, establishing an important monastery called Jetavana Vihara

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Rajgir, India

An important destination where Buddha spent several years teaching and meditating. The Griddhakuta Hill, or Vulture's Peak, is where Buddha delivered important sermons

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Vaishali, India

A place associated with Buddha's teachings and significant events, including his last sermon. The Kutagarasala Vihara, where Buddha stayed

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