
Bengaluru water crisis: 7 ways to save water

Conserving water is crucial for environmental sustainability and ensuring access to clean water for future generations. Here are seven ways to save water.

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Turn Off Taps When Not in Use

Taps should be turned off when brushing teeth, cleaning dishes, or lathering soap. Letting the water run wastes a lot of water over time.

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Take Shorter Showers

Water conservation is easy by shortening showers. Showers under five minutes save a lot of water. Install a low-flow showerhead to save water without lowering pressure.

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Fix Leaks

Fixing tap, toilet and pipe leaks is one of the best methods to save water. Check for and patch plumbing leaks periodically to avoid water waste.

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Install Water-Efficient Fixtures

Replace outdated toilets, faucets, and showerheads with water-saving ones. Products with the WaterSense certification fulfil EPA water efficiency and performance standards.

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Collect Rainwater

Install a rainwater harvesting system to collect roof and gutter rainwater for gardening, car washing and other non-potable applications.

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Water Efficiently in the Garden

Drip irrigation or soaker hoses reduce evaporation and runoff by watering plant roots directly. To prevent evaporation, water your garden in the morning or evening.

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Use Appliances Efficiently

Run dishwashers and washers only when full to save water. Opt for Energy Star and WaterSense-rated appliances that use less water and energy each cycle.

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