
Arctic tern to Swallow: 7 Migratory birds known for seasonal journeys

Arctic tern to Swallow are 7 birds famous for their awe-inspiring migrations, showcasing nature's wonders and the importance of avian conservation

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Arctic Tern

The Arctic tern holds the record for the longest migratory journey of any bird, breeds in the Arctic, migrates to the Antarctic, covering 44,000 kilometers (27,300 miles) each way

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Swallows are known for their long-distance migrations between breeding grounds in North America or Europe and wintering areas in South America

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Sandhill Crane

These large birds breed in North America and migrate south to the southern United States and northern Mexico for the winter

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Ospreys are large raptors that migrate from their breeding grounds in North America and Eurasia to Central and South America and Africa for the winter

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Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine falcons are found worldwide and have well-documented migration patterns. Some populations migrate long distances between their breeding and wintering territories

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Snow Geese

Snow geese are known for their long-distance migrations between their Arctic breeding grounds and wintering areas in the southern United States and northern Mexico

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Common Swift

Common swifts are known for their remarkable long-distance migrations. They breed in Europe and then migrate all the way to sub-Saharan Africa for the winter

Image credits: PEXEL
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