
Afghanistan to Congo: 7 UNHAPPIEST countries in the World

Countries like Afghanistan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Congo, Zimbabwe rank among the world's unhappiest, grappling with economic, political, and social challenges

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Afghanistan is plagued by decades of war, political instability, and poverty. The ongoing conflict, poor governance, and lack of basic services have left millions in despair

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Lebanon faces economic collapse, political corruption, social unrest. A severe financial crisis, compounded by political instability, has led to widespread poverty, unemployment

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Lesotho struggles with poverty, HIV/AIDS, and unemployment. The small, landlocked country in Southern Africa has a fragile economy, heavily dependent on remittances

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Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone, recovering from brutal civil war, faces challenges such as poverty, corruption, weak infrastructure. The Ebola epidemic further strained already fragile healthcare

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Congo (DRC)

The Democratic Republic of Congo is marred by conflict, poverty, and human rights abuses. Decades of violence, especially in the eastern regions, have caused massive displacement

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Zimbabwe's economic collapse, political repression, and social unrest contribute to widespread unhappiness. Hyperinflation is rampant

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Despite relative stability, Botswana struggles with social issues such as income inequality, high unemployment. The country's heavy reliance on diamond mining left it vulnerable

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