
8 Ways to whiten your teeth naturally

Make a paste of baking soda and brush your teeth with it. This will help in removing yellow stains from teeth.

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Orange Peel

Rubbing orange peel on your teeth helps remove stains and makes them brighter. 

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Mango Leaves

Grinding ripe mango leaves into a paste and brushing your teeth with it can also help remove stains.

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Brushing your teeth with a little salt can also help remove yellowing and stains. 

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Brushing your teeth with turmeric daily can also help remove yellowing and whiten your teeth.

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Brushing your teeth with lemon juice and a little salt is also good. 

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Coconut Oil

Put a teaspoon of coconut oil in your mouth. Spit it out after 20 minutes. Then rinse your mouth with water. This will help remove stains. 

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Grind the charcoal well and press it on your teeth to remove stains. 

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