
8 amazing benefits of drinking Coriander water on empty stomach

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Rich in antioxidants

Rich in antioxidants, coriander contains iron, protein, calcium, magnesium, fiber, vitamins, potassium. Know benefits of drinking coriander juice on an empty stomach in the morning

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Promotes weight loss

Drinking coriander juice on an empty stomach in the morning reduces excess fat stored in the body

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Improves digestion

The fiber found in coriander improves our digestive system. It provides relief from health problems like gas and bloating

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Boosts immunity

Antioxidants and vitamins A and C found in coriander boost our immunity

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Benefits for eyes

Vitamin A found in coriander improves the health of our eyes

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Strengthens bones

Drinking coriander juice on an empty stomach in the morning is good for the health of our bones. Calcium and magnesium found in coriander nourish the bones

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Controls sugar

Drinking coriander juice on an empty stomach in the morning maintains the level of glucose in the blood. It controls insulin levels

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Increases good cholesterol

Drinking coriander juice on an empty stomach in the morning increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol levels in the body

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Benefits for skin

Coriander is rich in vitamins and many other nutrients. Its juice also benefits our skin health

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