
7 important tips for outdoor safety during heavy storms

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Monitor Weather Conditions

Stay informed about weather forecasts and warnings before heading outdoors. Be aware of any approaching storms and plan your activities accordingly.

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Seek Shelter

If you're outdoors and a storm is approaching, seek shelter immediately. Look for a sturdy building, such as a house or a store, to take refuge in until the storm passes.

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Avoid Tall Structures

Stay away from tall structures, such as trees, light poles, and billboards, which can attract lightning and pose a risk of falling debris during heavy winds.

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Move to Low-Lying Areas

If you're unable to find shelter, move to a low-lying area away from water bodies, such as ditches or depressions in the ground. Avoid areas prone to flooding or flash floods.

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Avoid Waterways

Stay away from rivers, streams, and other water bodies during a heavy storm. Flash floods can occur rapidly, and you could be swept away by fast-moving water.

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Protect Your Head

If you can't find shelter and are caught in the open during a storm, protect your head from hail and flying debris by covering it with your arms or any available sturdy object.

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Stay Informed

Keep a portable weather radio or a smartphone with a weather app handy to receive updates and alerts about the storm's progress.

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