
7 Earth-like planets can be our 2nd home; Check out NOW

Exploring new worlds, scientists have found Earth-like exoplanets that could be potential new homes. These planets are situated in the habitable zones of their stars

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA

Gliese 667 Cc

Orbiting a red dwarf star, Gliese 667 Cc is in habitable zone, is considered one of best candidates for finding Earth-like conditions. Its size, orbit suggest a stable climate

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA

Ross 128 b

Ross 128 b orbits a red dwarf star and is located in habitable zone. Its proximity, potential for Earth-like conditions make it a strong candidate for future exploration and study

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA

HS 1140 b

Located about 40 light-years away, LHS 1140 b is a super-Earth that sits in the habitable zone of its star. Its size and composition suggest it could support life

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA


One of 7 planets orbiting cool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, this planet lies within its star's habitable zone. Its potential for liquid water, Earth-like conditions make it intriguing

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA


This exoplanet is part of a star system with a red dwarf star, located in the habitable zone. Its size and composition are similar to Earth's

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA


Earth's cousin, Kepler-452b orbits Sun-like star, lies in the habitable zone. Its similarities to Earth, including its size and temperature, offer hope for potential habitability

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA

Proxima Centauri b

Orbiting closest star to our Sun, Proxima Centauri b is within the habitable zone where liquid water could exist. Its proximity makes it a prime candidate for future exploration

Image credits: Representative Image: NASA

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