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Bank vs Home: Which is the safest place to keep gold?

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Keeping jewellery at home

Jewellery kept at home is easily accessible for regular wear or special occasions without the need to visit the bank.

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There is no need to visit the bank to access or deposit jewellery, which can save time and effort.

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Home insurance policies may provide coverage for jewellery, but it's essential to review the policy terms and coverage limits.

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Jewellery at bank:

 Bank lockers offer a higher level of security against theft, burglary, or loss due to stringent security measures and surveillance.

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Jewellery stored in a bank locker is safeguarded against risks like fire, floods, or other natural disasters.

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Bank lockers provide privacy and confidentiality, as only authorized individuals have access to the locker.

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Which one is better?

Ultimately, the decision to keep jewellery at home or in a bank locker depends on individual preferences, risk tolerance, and the value of the items

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