
World Breastfeeding Week: 7 benefits of breastfeeding for mother, baby

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1. Optimal Nutrition for Baby:

Breast milk provides the perfect balance of nutrients, including proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, essential for a baby's growth and development.

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2. Enhanced Immune System:

Colostrum, the first milk produced after childbirth, is rich in antibodies and white blood cells, providing a newborn with its first dose of immune protection.

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3. Promotes Healthy Weight:

Breast milk contains hormones that help regulate the baby's appetite and energy balance, contributing to a healthy weight gain pattern.

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4. Supports Cognitive Development:

Studies suggest that breastfeeding is linked to higher IQ scores and better cognitive development in children.

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5. Bonding and Emotional Well-being:

The physical closeness and eye contact during breastfeeding promote a sense of security and attachment, which are essential for the baby's emotional development.

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6. Health Benefits for the Mother:

Breastfeeding offers several health benefits for mothers, including a reduced risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and postpartum depression.

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7. Cost-effective and Convenient:

Breastfeeding is cost-effective and convenient, requiring no preparation, sterilization, or cost associated with formula feeding.

Image credits: Pexels
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