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Mesut Ozil's top 8 inspirational quotes: Wisdom from the German star

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Team Effort Above All

"I just want to enjoy my football and win trophies.

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Arsenal Love Affair

"Arsenal belongs in the Champions League. I want to help them get there.

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Respect for Wenger

"Arsène Wenger is a world-class manager who deserves every bit of respect."

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Criticism and Pressure

"In football, you have to deal with criticism and pressure; it’s part of the job.

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German Pride

"Playing for Germany has always been an honor for me."

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Vision on the Field

"When I receive the ball, I always try to make the right decision quickly."

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On Leaving Real Madrid

"Leaving Real Madrid was a difficult decision, but I needed a new challenge.

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Inspirational Perspective

"Life is not just about football. It’s about being happy in what you do."

Image credits: Getty
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