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Javier Pastore turns 35: Top 10 memorable quotes by the Argentine star

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Artistry in football

"Football is not just about scoring goals; it's about creating beauty on the field."

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Importance of fan support

"The passion of the fans drives us to give our best every time we step on the pitch."

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Reflecting on his time with Paris Saint-Germain

"Playing for PSG was a dream come true, and I am grateful for every moment."

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Humility and dedication in achieving success

"In football, you have to stay humble and work hard every day."

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Value of teamwork

"The best players are those who make their teammates better."

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Joy of playing football over the pressure of winning

"Winning titles is important, but enjoying the game is what truly matters."

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Pride in representing his country

"Argentina has a rich football history, and being part of it is an honour."

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Importance of preparation

"Every match is a new challenge, and you must be prepared to face it with courage."

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Dealing with injuries throughout his career.

"Injuries are part of the game, but they teach you resilience and determination."

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Highlighting his enduring passion for the sport

"My love for football is what keeps me going, no matter the obstacles."

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