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Happy Birthday Mohamed Salah: Top 10 quotes by the Egyptian star

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Success and Determination

"I always dreamed of becoming a professional footballer, but I didn't imagine I'd play at the level I am now.

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On His Love for Football

"Football is my life. It's my passion. It's what I love to do.

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On His Journey

"I’ve had to overcome many challenges in my life. I’ve had to leave my family and friends behind to chase my dreams.

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On Hard Work

"You have to believe in your abilities, you have to believe in yourself. That's the key to success.

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On Staying Humble

"It's very important to stay grounded and keep your feet on the ground. Success can make you lose track of who you are."

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On His Mentality

"I always try to look at the positive side of everything. It’s a mentality that helps me keep moving forward."

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On His Role Models

"Growing up, I always looked up to the great players like Zidane and Ronaldo. They inspired me to be better."

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On His Ambition

"I want to be remembered as one of the best players in the history of football. That's what I strive for every day."

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On His Fans

"The fans are incredible. Their support means everything to me. They push me to give my best on the field."

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On Giving Back

"I believe in using my platform to make a positive impact. Helping others is something I’m very passionate about."

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