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Erling Haaland's Top 6 fitness habits: Secrets to his athletic mastery

Image credits: Getty

Rigorous Training Regimen

Haaland follows a structured training routine that includes high-intensity drills, agility exercises, and strength training to enhance his speed and power.

Image credits: Getty

Consistency is Key

He maintains a consistent workout schedule, ensuring that he trains daily without fail to build and sustain his fitness levels.

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Balanced Diet

Haaland focuses on a balanced diet rich in proteins, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to fuel his body for intense training sessions and matches.

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Recovery and Rest

Adequate rest and recovery are integral to Haaland's routine, allowing his muscles to repair and grow stronger.

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Staying hydrated is crucial for Haaland, and he ensures he drinks plenty of water throughout the day to keep his body functioning optimally.

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Mental Fitness

Haaland works on his mental toughness, using techniques like visualization and mindfulness to stay focused and calm under pressure.

Image credits: Getty
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