
Poonam Pandey fakes death, 5 consequences of her action

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Poonam Pandey shares video she is alive

Poonam Pandey realised a video on Saturday that she is alive and faked her own death to purportedly raise awareness about cervical cancer. 

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Netizens slam Poonam Pandey

Netizens on social media are calling this act 'Shameful', 'Cheap' and are asking to boycott the actress.

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Social Responsibility

Spreading false news, especially about death, is a violation of social responsibility. It can lead to unnecessary panic, confusion, and emotional distress among the public.

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Ethical Considerations

Ethically, it is inappropriate to engage in or support the creation and dissemination of fake news, especially when it involves sensitive matters such as someone's life or death.

Image credits: Instagram

Impact on Individuals

Falsely spreading news about death can be emotionally damaging. It can create a sense of fear, sadness, and confusion among people who care about the individual in question.

Image credits: Freepik

Report False Information

If you come across false information, especially regarding someone's death, report it to the relevant social media platforms and encourage others to do the same.

Image credits: Instagram
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