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Rohit Sharma's top 8 quotes on leadership

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Leading by Example

"Leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge."

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Staying Grounded

"A good leader listens and stays grounded. It's important to stay connected with the team."

Image credits: Getty

Handling Pressure

"Leadership is about staying calm under pressure and guiding the team through tough situations."

Image credits: Getty

Trusting the Team

"As a leader, you must trust your team and give them the freedom to express themselves."

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Vision and Strategy

"A leader should have a clear vision and strategy, but also be flexible to adapt when needed."

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Empathy and Understanding

"Empathy is a crucial aspect of leadership. Understanding your team’s perspective helps in making better decisions."

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Learning from Mistakes

"Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow. As a leader, it's important to encourage this mindset."

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Inspiring Others

"Leadership is about inspiring others to achieve their best and work towards a common goal."

Image credits: Getty
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