"Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws but also within the Spirit of the Game."
"The joy of winning is not as dramatic as the pain of losing."
"To play the game hard is great, but to play it well and win is even greater."
"A wise cricketer is a man who can figure out what to do next even when he doesn't know what to do next."
"The essence of cricket is that it is a team game. Everyone who plays it is part of the team. You are there to make the team win."
"The challenge of cricket for me was to be the best I could be. I wasn't going to let the opposition take an upper hand, and to me, that is what sport is all about."
"The game taught me the game. And the game is about values and integrity."
"You're not just playing a sport, you're representing your country, and you have to do that to the best of your ability."
"In life, and cricket, there's no bigger sin than selfishness."
"You have to build an environment around the team where everyone feels responsible, and everyone is accountable."