
What does your CIBIL score mean?

Having a higher credit score can bring you various benefits such as access to larger loan amounts, lower interest rates, and more flexible repayment terms.

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What does your CIBIL score mean?

In India, credit scores range from 300 to 900, with a score closer to 900 improving your chances of securing favorable deals on personal loans and credit cards.

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What does your CIBIL score mean?

Let us understand how you should interpret your CIBIL score.

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This indicates "not applicable" or "no history." If you've never used a credit card or taken out a loan, you'll have no credit history.

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A score in this range is considered poor, suggesting late payments on credit card bills or loan EMIs, making it challenging to obtain loans or credit cards.

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A score in this range is considered fair, indicating struggles with timely payments. Interest rates on loans may also be higher.

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Lenders will consider your credit application with a score in this range, but you may not have strong negotiation power for interest rates.

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An excellent score, demonstrating regular credit payments and an impressive payment history.

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