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Kolkata GOLD price today, June 30: Price of 8 gm sees slight increase

The Price of Gold in Kolkata today, June 30 per gram of 22 carat is ₹ 6,795 and ₹ 7,135 for 24 carat

Image credits: Freepik

22 Carat Gold Price in Kolkata

1 gram - ₹ 6,795    ₹ 6,785 (yesterday)
8 grams - ₹ 54,360 ₹ 54,280 (yesterday)
10 grams - ₹ 67,950 ₹ 67,850 (yesterday)

Image credits: Freepik

24 carat gold price in Kolkata

1 gram - ₹ 7,135    ₹ 7,124 (Yesterday)
8 grams - ₹ 57,080    ₹ 56,992 (yesterday)
10 grams - ₹ 71,350    ₹ 71,240 (Yesterday)

Image credits: Freepik

Gold Price in Asansol

22 carat gold of 10 gms cost Rs.66,560

Image credits: Freepik

Gold Price in Darjeeling

22 carats of 10 gms in Darjeeling costs Rs.66,190

Image credits: Freepik

Gold Price in Murshidabad

10 gms of 22 carat gold in Murshidabad costs Rs.66,750

Image credits: Freepik
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