Coronavirus turns cities around the world into ghost towns. Take a look
The novel coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily life world over. With over 134,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases globally and close to 5,000 deaths reported so far, some of the famous public places across cities world over bear a deserted look. With some countries implementing a lockdown to curb the spread of the virus, the world now looks empty and in some places even eerie! Here’s a collection of photos of deserted destinations like theme parks, famous tourist attractions, etc. world over.
The novel coronavirus pandemic has disrupted daily life world over. With over 134,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases globally and close to 5,000 deaths reported so far, some of the famous public places across cities world over bear a deserted look. With some countries implementing a lockdown to curb the spread of the virus, the world now looks empty and in some places even eerie!
Here’s a collection of photos of deserted destinations like theme parks, famous tourist attractions, etc. world over.