How to overcome the fear of failure at work

  • You are best at your job and that is why you were hired
  • Famous musician Billy Joel - after the failure of his band Attila, attempted suicide once by drinking furniture polish
How to overcome fear of failing at your job


When you score that much coveted spot at a company, you feel pumped, elated and like an achiever. Imagine you must have been someone special or must have brought something extra to the table that you were chosen for the job.


Few days into the job, everything is smooth, you are trying your best to fit in and suddenly that overwhelming feeling of ‘What if I am unable to handle all of this?’ emerges. Trust me, it is not a very good phase to be in.


This was just an example of being new to a job, it could happen to anyone us, even those of us who are three-five years into our professions. Some of us manage to wade through the problems, face our insecurities and dismiss it as a phase, but there are some who succumb to the crippling fear of failure – sometimes ending in death even.


How to overcome fear of failing at your job


Famous musician Billy Joel - after the failure of his band Attila, attempted suicide in late 1970 by drinking furniture polish. Elton John - tried to kill himself by sticking his head in a gas stove. Luckily, they survived. Don’t be like them, face your fears. If you fail at this job that does not mean it is the end of the world for you. Don't close all the doors on you. Check for that window you left open and find your way out. 


The fear of failing at one’s job is definitely overpowering. Fear of Failing is like the DeathEater, it sucks out all positivity, you may feel it is embarrassing and it prevents you from definitely thinking straight.


You always pass failure on your way to success


Here are some ways how you can cope with that ugly feeling of failing on the job and stop yourself from considering death as a solution:


# You were hired for a reason

How did you get the job in the first place? If you paid your way in or dropped names to get that position, then that is a different story. But for most of you it has to have been through rigorous rounds of interview and tests and form filling. So yes, you deserve to be here. Don’t ever question that. You are best at your job and that is why you were hired.


# Look ahead not behind

One very important you need to keep in mind is stop procrastinating, stop that pity party you are giving yourself and enough with what happened in the past. You need to complete your project, learn new skills to finish a job then do it. Stop thinking this is not the time to try something new. This is what just might save you.


# Understand you are not failure proof

You may have Atychiphobia (a-ticky-phobia). It is the fear of unreasonable and irrational. Here I’d be quoting something out of the numerous positive thoughts you have on the internet.  Here’s Woody Allen with some wise words: “If you are not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you are not doing anything very innovative”. Even the big trees fall in a mild wind. Just look at JK Rowling or Amitabh Bachchan for inspiration, in this case.


# Step out of the paralysis

Yes, one can become paralysed with fear, but instead of waiting for something drastic to happen, waiting for your boss to reprimand you, wake up! Prepare for damage control, in case the damage is already done, but don’t sit and think about what could have been. No one wins a race without running it. So shrug off whatever negative analysis you have been doing and pull your socks up. Movement, initiative is necessary.


# Let go of the old

You cannot be with your A game always. Sometimes you need to learn on the job and not being able to do something(which you categorise as failure) is an experience which will leave you wiser. Accept it. Even if it’s a company you have built from scratch, it is always good to let go and start afresh. Just remember, you reached this position all because of your capabilities and skill, so what’s stopping you from going further?




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