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Mukesh Ambani all smiles as he holds his grandson; Shloka, Akash's baby boy

Shloka and Akash Ambani welcomed a baby boy on Thursday.

Mukesh Ambani all smiles as he holds his grandson; Shloka, Akash's baby boy-SYT
Mumbai, First Published Dec 10, 2020, 5:21 PM IST

It's a moment of joy for the Ambanis as Shloka Mehta and Akash  Ambani who tied the knot in March last year in a lavish ceremony at the Jio World Centre in Mumbai has welomed their first born, a baby boy on Thursday.

A pic of Mukesh Ambani holding the newly born grandson is surfacing on the internet and he is seen smiling ear-to-ear.

Mukesh is all smiles as he holds the little one in his arms.


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Akash Ambani is the eldest son of Mukesh and Shloka is the daughter of diamond magnate Russel Mehta and Mona.

The couple got married last year. It was a star-studded affair as many popular celebrities, film stars, and politicians joined the lavish wedding celebrations.

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