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Actor Vishal Krishna's sister Aishwarya gets married [Photos]

  • Kollywood actor Vishal's sister got married to her longtime boyfriend Kritheesh
  • The marriage was held on August 27 at Chennai's MRC Nagar Hall
  • Here are the photos and video of the Aishwarya-Kritheesh wedding
Actor Vishal Krishnas sister Aishwarya gets married Photos video Kritheesh

Actor Vishal Krishna's sister Aishwarya's wedding took place at Chennai's MRC Nagar Hall on August 27.

Aishwarya got married to her longtime boyfriend Kritheesh from a family which is into gold business in Ummidi. Aishwarya is known to be have taken responsibility of V-Music Channel.

Many bigwigs of the Kollywood including Karthi were seen during the wedding. Here are the photos and video of the Aishwarya-Kritheesh wedding.






Here is the official trailer or Aishwarya's engagement to Krithish



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