Tragedy unfolds as an Iranian man goes on a rampage, claiming 12 lives in a shocking mass shooting spree, including his own father. The incident occurred on Saturday in the south-central province of Kerman leaving the Iranian society in shock.
Iran has witnessed a horrific mass shooting crime that occurred on Saturday according to the official state media. A 30-year-old opened fire on family members through a high-grade Kalashnikov assault rifle. The state police quickly arrived at the spot after receiving information on the happenings.
The perpetrator killed 12 relatives including father and brother over a family dispute in Kerman. He was shot by the state police in the south-central province of Kerman. The incident has shocked the society in Iran as family values are high and mass shootings are rare due to strict regulations on weapon possession.
Hunting rifles are only allowed for possession in Iran and people generally abide by the strict regulations. The last mass shooting incident occurred two years ago when a dismissed employee of a state institution opened fire portraying his frustration. The incident occurred in Western Iran which resulted in the killing of three people and injuring five. The shooter later shot himself.
Civil unrest has been stirring in the country which has resulted in the rise of crime. The sweeping restrictions by the Iranian regime on the society have created a tense build-up among the people. Violence especially against women has increased due to the state's rigidity on moral ethics’ forceful compliance.