In a spectacular display of talent and determination, India's Parul Chaudhary and Priti clinched the silver and bronze medals, respectively, in the women's 3000m steeplechase event at the Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou, China. Parul's remarkable silver-winning performance was marked by an impressive time of 9 minutes and 27.63 seconds, while Priti achieved a personal best time of 9 minutes and 43.32 seconds to secure the bronze.
In the women's 3000m steeplechase event at the Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou, China, India's Parul Chaudhary and Priti delivered remarkable performances, securing the silver and bronze medals, respectively, on Monday. Parul exhibited her prowess by clocking an impressive time of 9 minutes and 27.63 seconds, earning her the silver medal. Notably, her compatriot, Priti, put up a strong finish to secure the bronze. Priti achieved a personal best time of 9 minutes and 43.32 seconds, showcasing her determination and skill.
Parul Chaudhary wins SILVER medal & Priti wins BRONZE medal in 3000m SC.
Reigning World Champion Champion Winfred Yavi won Gold.
The gold medal in this challenging event was claimed by Winfred Mutile Yavi of Bahrain, who set a Games record with an outstanding timing of 9 minutes and 18.28 seconds.
Adding to her list of achievements, Parul Chaudhary had previously made headlines in August of this year at the World Championships held in Budapest. During that event, she not only secured a national record in the 3000m steeplechase but also earned her ticket to the 2024 Paris Olympics. Her remarkable time of 9 minutes and 15.31 seconds at the World Championships showcased her exceptional talent and dedication to the sport.
Parul Chaudhary set the track ablaze, clinching a🥈at
The unstoppable Parul gave a beautiful second place finish in Women's 3000m Steeplechase event with a timing of 9:27.63
Three cheers for our girl Parul! Well done, many congratulations 🥳💪🏻