Thalaiva Rajinikanth’s daughter and producer Aishwarya Dhanush staged a Bharatanatyam dance at the United Nations, representing India. The video of the dance recital on Women’s Day at the United Nations HQ in New York has instead received negative comments from renowned dancers including Anita Ratnam.
Anita Ratnam’s tweet says it all:
Watch the video here:
Aishwarya was appointed as the Brand Ambassador Women’s Advocate for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in India last year in August.
The theme for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2017, focuses on ‘Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030.’ Director cum producer Aishwarya had performed Bharatanatyam for the hymn ‘Igiri Nandini’.
This is what Aishwarya Dhanush had tweeted:
Many people have asked if there were no other dancers or celebrities who had learnt Bharatanatyam to represent India at the UN.