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Dr Anil Kumar Pioneering Comprehensive Cancer Care & Societal Upliftment through his NGO

By Team NewsableFirst Published Aug 7, 2023, 3:25 PM IST

The Maheshwar Laxmi Memorial Foundation has been rigorously working for cancer patients.

Cancer is a disease that completely wrecks someone's life and the treatment of it costs a fortune. Due to a plethora of reasons some people are often unable to bear these costs. For them, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) act as a knight in shining armour and play a pivotal role in supporting them. They provide comprehensive care which ranges from awareness campaigns, early detection initiatives, and educational programs to financial aid for treatments. NGOs often organize free screening camps in underprivileged areas to identify cancer at early stages. One such NGO is Dr Anil Kumar’s Maheshwar Laxmi Memorial Foundation. 

The Maheshwar Laxmi Memorial Foundation has been rigorously working for cancer patients. From providing diagnoses to medications, they do it all. They collaborate with hospitals and specialists to arrange for subsidized or even free treatment for patients who cannot afford it. Additionally, they provide psychological support and counselling services for patients and their families, which are crucial during cancer treatment. The NGO even funds research to discover innovative treatments and push for policy changes to make cancer care more accessible. Through these varied approaches, the Maheshwar Laxmi Memorial Foundation contributes significantly to the medical care and treatment of cancer patients.

Along with helping cancer patients, the Maheshwar Laxmi Memorial Foundation, led by Dr Anil Kumar, works towards various other societal causes, including empowering physically challenged individuals with development courses, job opportunities, and resources for independent living. The foundation also puts emphasis on education, offering free computer training courses to underprivileged female students. These courses impart both theoretical and practical knowledge for enhanced career opportunities. Moreover, Dr Anil Kumar supports samuhik vivah as well to let people cherish their important day without having to worry about finance. Thus, the NGO provides funding for wedding costs to families that are unable to afford them. The government also contributes, providing Rs 51,000 to each couple.

 The foundation's work extends to the healthcare sector in association with Jiodaya Hospital by arranging free health checkup camps across Delhi and facilitating timely medical intervention. The foundation has further shown active involvement in disaster management. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it supported frontline workers by supplying hygiene and PPE kits, as well as providing medicines and opening a free oxygen bank in Gujarat. When Bihar faced catastrophic floods, the foundation established relief camps, distributed rations and provided shelters too.

The foundation's efforts have got Dr Anil Kumar honoured with the Guest Of Honour award at the Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam Inspiration Awards 2023. Apart from philanthropy, Dr Anil Kumar is also a successful entrepreneur, leading the Ankita Group of Companies, an international enterprise dealing in agricultural, healthcare, and grocery products.  The Maheshwar Laxmi Memorial Foundation, under the stewardship of Dr Anil Kumar, is a beacon of hope in the realm of cancer care and societal welfare. The Foundation's multi-faceted approach contributes significantly to making a tangible difference in society. Recognized for his exemplary service and entrepreneurship, Dr Anil Kumar continues to inspire many with his dedication to selfless service and his strategic leadership in social impact initiatives.

Disclaimer: This is a featured content 

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