Breaking the silence: Encouraging men to reflect on male privilege and support gender equality

By Roshni TamtaFirst Published Sep 26, 2024, 7:09 PM IST

Male privilege is an advantage men get just because of their gender. It is not earned, but it has been helping them gain leadership positions in personal and professional settings.

The topic of privilege, especially male privilege has been the subject of more candid conversations in society in recent years. It is important to create a space for men to talk about it and reflect on the advantages they have been getting historically in society. Acknowledging privilege enables males to be more effective allies in fighting gender equality. It is not about feeling guilty; rather, it is about awareness and progress.

What is male privilege? 

Male privilege is an advantage men get just because of their gender. It is not earned, but it has been helping them gain leadership positions in personal and professional settings. These benefits are embedded in many social systems, providing males with opportunities for safer or less scrutinized everyday interactions. Men need to understand that having privilege does not make hard work or personal struggles go away. Instead, it draws attention to the reality that men have frequently benefited from social standards that are in their favor.

Using privilege for good 

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This does not mean diminishing anyone's success but it is for creating equal opportunities for everyone. Here are a few ways one can use their privilege to create balance and a more inclusive society. 

1. To be an ally is to proactively assist women in public and private spheres. This means amplifying women's voices and listening and learning from their experiences. 

2. Men can challenge societal norms and create balance by breaking stereotypes encouraging female leaders and offering guidance and support to help them succeed in their careers. 

3. Men in positions of power or leadership and sponsor or mentor women to help them achieve success and enhance their skills. 

4. Start discussing privilege with other men. These conversations might encourage males to take responsibility for their actions and encourage them to examine their own preconceptions.

5. Encourage efforts that seek to give women equal chances in the workplace, community, and larger society.

The necessity of responsibility is at the center of these discussions. Men must accept accountability for their part in upholding or destroying privileged structures. It takes time to reflect on privilege and take action; it's a continuous process of learning, support, and self-awareness.

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