It has come to light that MP D K Suresh, brother of Power Minister D K Shivakumar, who was targeted for IT raid, was threatened by underworld don Ravi Pujari. A phone call made to D K Suresh’s house at Sadashivanagara by a man identifying himself as Ravi Pujari had placed a demand for money, reported Kannada Prabha.
When the call was made, Suresh was in charge of taking care of Gujarat MLAs at Eagleton Resort at Bidadi. D K Suresh’s assistant Arun Dev has lodged a complaint with Sadashivanagara police station that a call was received and the man spoke in Hindi saying “I am Ravi Pujari, I have called for money.” The police said a complaint of extortion has been booked against Ravi Pujari and investigations are on.
The Sadashivanagara police tried to take the assistance of Cyber Crime police to track the number. The call has been made from a 14 digit number and it is suspected it could be an internet call. The man who identified himself as Ravi Pujari asked where Suresh was. Arun Dev gave Suresh’s PA’s number as he was at the Eagleton Resort at that time. However, the man did not call the assistant, said the police.
Some months ago Ramanatha rai also had received a threat call in the name of Ravi Pujari. The police had detained an associate of Ravi Pujari at the station and interrogated. However, Ravi Pujari himself had called media houses to deny that he had made the call. Later a phone call to MLC H M Revanna also got a phone from a person calling himself Ravi Pujari. It is said that Revanna was threatened to give “halfta” for the release of “Panta” a film in which Revanna’s son Anup had acted. A complaintw as recorded at Mahalakshmi Lay out police station in this regard. CCB investigations are still on.
The police also feel that it could be a hoax call. However, the name Ravi Pujari has been mentioned in the FIR as the caller had identified himself by that name, say the police.