In an unexpected move, the Karnataka government has authorized the release of water from the Krishnarajasagara (KRS) reservoir to Tamil Nadu, aligning with the directives of the Cauvery Water Management Authority. This decision comes alongside the channelling of water into canals to support semi-dry crop cultivation for farmers in the Achukattu region.
Presently, the KRS reservoir holds 112.32 feet of water, with 3960 cusecs flowing into the dam and 7256 cusecs being released. Specific allocations include 5243 cusecs to the river, 1755 cusecs to Vishveswaraya canals (VC) 50 cusecs to Right bank canal (RBLL) canals, 58 cusecs to Left bank (LBLL) canals, 100 cusecs to Devaraja Arasu canals, and 50 cusecs to metric ( MCCW) canals, as per the Irrigation Department.
Although officials have managed water flow during nighttime, restoring normalcy by morning, the current situation seems to be a result of the Supreme Court's order for water release to Tamil Nadu.
Amidst a challenging agricultural landscape due to monsoon failures, District In-charge Minister N. Chaluvarayaswamy expressed the state's predicament during a press conference, noting that dwindling rainfall and reduced reservoir inflow have compounded the difficulties.
Tamil Nadu's legal pursuits in the Supreme Court have resulted in the Center's non-recognition of their plea. Although tensions with Tamil Nadu have risen in the past due to similar situations, Chaluvarayaswamy assured the public that the state remains committed to supporting farmers in the Achukattu area through the reservoirs in the Kaveri Valley region.
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The minister's response to questions about the BJP's complaint against him was measured, as he refrained from negative commentary, choosing instead to focus on the day's significance. Chaluvarayaswamy, while not participating in Independence Day celebrations, expressed gratitude towards the BJP before departing.