Bengaluru experienced a low of 16 degrees Celsius, nearing record lows. The IMD predicts even colder temperatures in the coming days for the city and other parts of Karnataka, while coastal areas will likely remain unaffected.
Residents in India's IT capital started their day with shivers as temperature remained low at 16 degree Celsius. The lowest recorded temperature in Bengaluru's history was 7.8 degrees Celsius on January 13, 1884. Lows of 12 degrees Celsius in 2012 and 12.3 degrees Celsius in 2019 were recorded in the city in more recent years. Hemmigepura recorded the lowest temperature at 14.1 degrees Celsius on Thursday, while the city's minimum temperature averaged 16.7 degrees Celsius.
According to IMD projections, early morning fog or mist is likely, and lowest temperatures for the following two days might be between 10 and 12.5 degrees Celsius. Bengaluru's high and low temperatures are predicted to be about 28 and 18 degrees Celsius, respectively.
Cooler weather is also anticipated in other regions of Karnataka. Minimum temperatures in the interior may drop by two degrees before leveling out, while coastal Karnataka is probably not going to be impacted. A similar cold wave episode earlier this month saw Bengaluru record a lowest temperature of 12.4 degrees Celsius on December 16, which was lower than the 12.8 degrees Celsius recorded on December 24, 2011.
Here's the weather prediction for the next few days
Date Min Temp Max Temp
06-Jan 13.0 27.0
07-Jan 15.0 27.0
08-Jan 18.0 28.0
09-Jan 18.0 28.0
10-Jan 18.0 28.0
11-Jan 18.0 28.0
On the other hand, the national capital was hit by bad weather and a cold wave early on Monday, which included chilly gusts and a drop in temperature. BengAt 5:30 a.m. on Monday, Delhi registered 11.4 degrees Celsius, according to statistics from the India Meteorological Department. The MeT Department has forecast that the day's lowest temperature would be 11 degrees Celsius, with a high temperature of around 18 degrees Celsius.