The teacher and her family welcomed the Vice President with tender coconut water and served him and his wife homemade idlis and banana chips, officials said. She vividly remembered Dhankhar as "a young boy in khaki, sitting in the first row, fully concentrating on the class".
'I cannot receive a greater Gurudakshina than this...' That's what Ratna Nair said after meeting her beloved disciple after decades. Ratna's student, India's Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, visited her along with his wife Sudesh Dhankhar at her residence in Panniyannur Gram Panchayat in Kannur district.
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar is on a two-day visit to Kerala. Ratna taught Dhankhar at Sainik School, Chittorgarh.
The teacher and her family welcomed the Vice President with tender coconut water and served him and his wife homemade idlis and banana chips, officials said.
Though many of her students are in high positions, mostly in the armed forces and the police, it is the first time that one of them has reached the second highest constitutional position in the country and the teacher was proud of her "Jagdeep".
She also vividly remembered Dhankhar as "a young boy in khaki, sitting in the first row, fully concentrating on the class".
"He was a very active, well disciplined and obedient boy who excelled in all activities inside and outside the class. He was a good debater, a good sportsperson and good at academics too," she said.
Remembering the old days when Dhankar was her pupil at Sainik School Chittorgarh boarding school, his teacher said that as students spend around nine months in a year with their teachers, they develop long-lasting bonds with them.
तीन लोक नौ खंड में, गुरु से बड़ा न कोय!
The guidance and compassion of a Guru is a compass that steers the trajectory of one's life.
Immensely grateful to have met my teacher, Ms Ratna Nair, from my days at Sainik School, Chittorgarh at her residence in Kerala today.
"Parents used to visit the school in between. I remember Jagdeep's father was very regular at these meetings. He used to visit the school every month to monitor the progress of both his sons," she said.