In Hamirpur district, Uttar Pradesh, a young man tragically took his own life by ingesting poison. Before his death, he recorded a video in which he accused his wife and mother-in-law of harassment.
Hamirpur, Uttar Pradesh: A heart-wrenching incident has come to light from Tedha village in Sumerpur police station area, where a 35-year-old man, identified as Rajesh Kumar, tragically took his own life by consuming sulphaz tablets on Friday. The incident has shocked the local community, and a video recorded by Rajesh before his death is now going viral on social media.
In the video, Rajesh holds his wife and mother-in-law responsible for the mental distress he was enduring, suggesting that their harassment led him to take this drastic step. He expressed his deep frustration, stating, "Love has reached such an end that your bag is going to be empty. The worst punishment that can be given should be given to my wife and mother-in-law." His emotional plea for justice and the harshest punishment for the women involved has left his family in disbelief.
यूपी के जिला हमीरपुर में एक युवक ने जहर खाकर जान दे दी। मरने से पहले उसने Video बनाकर पत्नी और सास पर उत्पीड़न के आरोप लगाए।
बोला– "प्रेम इस एंड में आ चुका है कि आपकी झोली खाली होने जा रही है। जितना बुरा से बुरा दंड हो, वो मेरी घरवाली और सास को मिलना चाहिए"
Rajesh, the son of the late Ashok Kumar, consumed the poisonous tablets in the afternoon. Despite being rushed to the district hospital, doctors confirmed his death shortly after his arrival. Initially, his family members were unaware of the circumstances leading to his death. However, upon searching his mobile phone, they discovered two videos in which Rajesh revealed his reasons for taking the extreme step.
In the videos, Rajesh not only blamed his wife and mother-in-law for his suffering but also requested that his children be sent to live with his sister. He called his brother-in-law innocent, further suggesting that his family members had no role in his tragic decision. The video ends with him saying, "Jai Hind," before his life came to a devastating close.
The distressing video has been circulating rapidly on social media, shedding light on the intense family conflict that seems to have led to Rajesh's suicide. Despite the emotional impact on the family, no formal complaint has been filed by the deceased's relatives against anyone involved. Authorities are yet to comment on any potential investigation into the matter.