Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann divorced his first wife six years ago, and she currently resides in the United States with their two children. Both children had attended the swearing in ceremony.
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann will marry Dr Gurpreet Kaur in a private ceremony at his Chandigarh house on Thursday. The wedding is being planned in Chandigarh, and sources say it would be a private affair.
According to repors, Bhagwant Mann's mother has picked Kaur to be her daughter-in-law. Mann's sister and mother both wanted him to marry again, and they both picked the bride. Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, has been invited as a special guest to the occasion. Mann's mother has already arrived at the CM mansion from their hometown of Satoj for the event.
Mann was formerly married to Inderjit Kaur, but the pair divorced in 2015. He has two children from a previous marriage. They had attended his inauguration as Punjab's chief minister in March of this year. Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann divorced his first wife six years ago, and she currently resides in the United States with their two children. Both childres had attended the inauguration ceremony.