Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the Kala Kumbh exhibition in Sector 7, showcasing Uttar Pradesh's art, culture, and archaeological heritage. The exhibition features displays of artworks, temple replicas, and documentation of historic Kumbh events, including administrative insights from past Kumbh events in Prayagraj.
On Friday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the Kala Kumbh in Sector 7. After opening the UP State Pavilion, CM Yogi visited the Kala Kumbh, a unique camp created by the Uttar Pradesh Culture Department, located right across from the pavilion.
Amidst various cultural displays on the premises, the Chief Minister formally inaugurated the site by cutting the ribbon. During his visit, he examined the artworks showcased in the hall and engaged with 3D videos highlighting aspects of Kala Kumbh.
Following this, the Chief Minister proceeded to the exhibition hall, where he admired the distinctive artworks, temple replicas, and thematic exhibitions.
Praising the initiative, he described Kala Kumbh as an authentic documentation of the Kumbh's developmental journey. On this occasion, Principal Secretary of Tourism and Culture, Mukesh Meshram, presented the Chief Minister with a memento.
The Kala Kumbh is a remarkable exhibition showcasing the art, culture, and archaeology of Uttar Pradesh, along with records of historic Kumbh events.
Spanning approximately 5 acres within the fairgrounds, the Kala Kumbh features an exhibition gallery and a stage for cultural performances. The gallery displays photographs, replicas, and exhibits tracing the journey of Bhatkhande Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, monuments of Uttar Pradesh, protected heritage sites, manuscripts, and artefacts.
The state's cultural heritage is brought to life through archaeological and archival evidence, with comprehensive documentation, images, and historical references to Kumbh events.
A key highlight of the Kala Kumbh is the section dedicated to the historical perspective of Mahakumbh. This eighth segment of the exhibition delves into administrative insights from all Kumbh events held in Prayagraj between 1866 and 1954, presented through government letters, records, and official documents. This section includes reports, correspondences, administrative orders, and other records, offering a comprehensive view of Kumbh over the last 150 years.
Authentic archival material showcases the systemic measures, infrastructural developments, and economic strategies undertaken during each Kumbh, making it a treasure trove of historical documentation.