A senior civil police officer identified as MP Sudheesh was found hanging near the Kuttiyadi police station in Kozhikode on Monday (Oct 23) evening. The family has alleged foul play in his death as his mobile phone has gone missing.
Kozhikode: A Senior Civil Police Officer, MP Sudheesh, was found hanging near the Kuttiyady Police Station on Monday (Oct 23) evening. He allegedly committed suicide while on duty. According to the relatives, Sudheesh was undergoing work pressure that led him to commit suicide. As per reports, the police officer went missing around 11 a.m. Later, the body was found hanging on the top floor of a building near the police station. His family has also raised doubts regarding his missing mobile phone.
After RDO authorities failed to appear for the inquest procedures, locals prevented the ambulance from moving the body. The ambulance was later permitted to leave by Monday night. Even though Sudheesh was seen on CCTV holding his phone after he went missing the family claimed that the phone was not found near to the body.
His family alleged that he was under severe stress due to work. A case related to a chit fraud was handed over to the Crime Branch. Although the investigation was handed over to the CB, the documents related to the case were yet to be transferred to the Crime Branch. The deadline for submitting these documents was over. In this aspect, he was under a great deal of pressure.