Union Home Minister Amit Shah engaged in a heated exchange with MP Manoj Kumar Jha in the Rajya Sabha during discussions on Kashmir. Shah rebuked Jha's assertion of no representation from Kashmir in the house, emphasizing his party's commitment to the region.
In a fiery exchange within the Rajya Sabha, Union Home Minister Amit Shah delivered a scathing rebuke to MP Manoj Kumar Jha during discussions on the subject of Kashmir. The confrontation unfolded against the backdrop of recent legislative actions, notably the passage of the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Bill in the Lok Sabha.
Kashmir is of all Indians and India is of all Kashmiris - UHM Amit Shah takes strong objection of statement by MP Manoj Jha pic.twitter.com/rmOtM64fHe
— Megh Updates 🚨™ (@MeghUpdates)The exchange intensified when RJD MP Manoj Kumar Jha expressed concern, highlighting the absence of representation from Kashmir in the house. This comment triggered a sharp response from Shah, who rebuked Jha for his statement.
Shah vehemently defended his party's commitment to Kashmir and its people, refuting Jha's assertion. "He (Jha) has made a flawed statement that there is nobody from Kashmir in the House. He can say it about themselves, why are you including us? We have always been for Kashmir. It can be true for you; you can say 'I am not from Kashmir or not for Kashmir. But from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, from Dwarka to the Northeast, Kashmir belongs to every Indian and India belongs to all Kashmiris," Shah declared emphatically.
Earlier in the day, Home Minister Amit Shah welcomed the Supreme Court's unanimous verdict upholding the government's decision to abrogate provisions of Article 370. In response to the Article 370 verdict, Shah highlighted the restoration of rights for the poor and deprived, the end of separatism and stone-pelting, and the flourishing of music and cultural tourism in the region. He asserted that the bonds of unity had strengthened, and the integrity with Bharat (India) was reinforced.
Article 370, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir, was revoked by the government in August 2019. The Supreme Court, on Monday, deemed the government's 2019 decision "valid" and also upheld the creation of the union territory of Ladakh from Jammu and Kashmir.
The apex court directed the restoration of Jammu and Kashmir's statehood "at the earliest" and called for elections to the assembly by September 30 next year.
Later in the day, Union Home Minister Amit Shah introduced the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation (Amendment) Bill, 2023 in the Rajya Sabha for consideration and passage. These bills, having been passed by the Lok Sabha last week, aim to address historical injustices by providing rights to those who have been treated unfairly for 70 years. The proposed legislation reserves two seats for Kashmiri migrants and one seat for people from Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir.