A total of 88,409 students appeared for the ISC Class 12 exams, of which 96.84% passed. On the other hand, over 2.7 lakh students appeared for the ICSE Class 10 exams, and 99.34% cleared
New Delhi: The ICSE 10th, ISC 12th board results were declared on Friday (July 10). The pass percentage of the ISC Class 12 board exams 2020 stands at 96.84% while the pass percentage for ICSE Class 10 board exams stands at 99.34% this year.
A total of 1,377 candidates could not clear the ICSE exams, while 2,798 candidates became unsuccessful in ISC.
According to reports, a total of 88,409 students appeared for the ISC Class 12 exams and over 2.7 lakh students appeared for the ICSE class 10 exams.
The scores are available on the official websites — cisce.org or results.cisce.org.
For results through SMS, candidates will have to type ICSE or ISC followed by their seven-digit unique ID code and send the message to 09248082883.
The exams, which were earlier postponed due to the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, were scheduled to be conducted from July 1 to 14.
The board had later announced that class 10 and 12 students can choose not to appear for the pending board exams and be marked as per their performance in pre-board exams or internal assessment. However, the exams were cancelled last week in view of the spike in the cases.