Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi walked out of the Assembly on Monday, after the National Anthem was not played following the rendition of the Tamil Thai Vazhthu (Tamil Invocation Song).
Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi walked out of the Assembly on Monday, after the National Anthem was not played following the rendition of the Tamil Thai Vazhthu (Tamil Invocation Song). The incident unfolded during the Governor's customary address to the House at the commencement of the Assembly session.
Governor Ravi, who was in the Assembly for barely three minutes, reportedly reminded the House of the Constitutional practice of playing the National Anthem at the beginning and end of the Governor's address. Despite his appeal to Chief Minister MK Stalin and Speaker M Appavu, the National Anthem was not played, prompting the Governor to leave the House in protest.
Following the Governor’s exit, Speaker Appavu read the Governor’s speech to the Assembly, as per the procedure.
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A Frosty Start to the Winter Session Indeed! ❄️😅 … pic.twitter.com/78iBbnBeeH
The incident drew sharp political reactions. The Raj Bhavan issued a statement on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), stating, "The Constitution of Bharat and the National Anthem were once again insulted in the Tamil Nadu Assembly today. Respecting the National Anthem is among the first Fundamental Duty as enshrined in our Constitution. It is sung in all the state legislatures at the beginning and the end of Governor’s address."
"Today on arrival of Governor to the House only Tamil Thaai Vaazhthu was sung. Governor respectfully reminded the House of its Constitutional Duty and fervently appealed to the Hon'ble Chief Minister who is the Leader of the House and the Hon'ble Speaker for singing the National Anthem. However, they cussedly refused. It is a matter of grave concern. Not to be a party to such brazen disrespect to the Constitution and the National Anthem, Governor in deep anguish left the House," the post added.
The Constitution of Bharat and the National Anthem were once again insulted in the Tamil Nadu Assembly today. Respecting the National Anthem is among the first Fundamental Duty as enshrined in our Constitution. It is sung in all the state legislatures at the beginning and the end…
— RAJ BHAVAN, TAMIL NADU (@rajbhavan_tn)The political atmosphere in the Assembly further heated up after the Governor’s exit. Members of the opposition AIADMK held placards and raised slogans demanding justice for a student allegedly sexually assaulted at Anna University, while Congress members staged a walkout to protest against the Governor’s actions.