Bihar deputy chief minister Tejashwi Yadav on Monday took to Twitter to announce the birth of his first child. Sharing a picture with the newborn, he said that God sent a daughter as a gift. Take a look.
Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav and his wife Rajshree Yadav were blessed with a baby girl on Monday (March 27). He made the announcement on Twitter with a photo with his newborn daughter. Taking to Twitter, Yadav wrote: "God has been pleased and sent a gift in the form of a daughter."
ईश्वर ने आनंदित होकर पुत्री रत्न के रूप में उपहार भेजा है।
— Tejashwi Yadav (@yadavtejashwi)The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader's sister Rohini Acharya too expressed her happiness on Twitter: "My house now echoes a joyous squeal. God has given such a gift of happiness."
भाई-भाभी के चेहरे पर खिली मुस्कान रहे
मेरे घर में खुशियों का सदा यूँही वास रहे🙏
मन सुख के सागर में गोते भरे
पापा बनने की खुशी में
भाई तेजस्वी के चेहरे
पे ऐसी खुशियां झलके..
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief Arvind Kejriwal was among the first ones to congratulate the minister.
पवित्र नवरात्र के दिनों में माता रानी के इस आशीर्वाद के लिए आपको एवं आपके पूरे परिवार को बहुत-बहुत बधाई तेजस्वी जी। बिटिया रानी को ख़ूब सारा दुलार एवं आशीर्वाद, ईश्वर आपके परिवार को सदा ख़ुश रखें।
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal)On December 9, 2021, Tejashwi Yadav got married with his lifelong friend Rajshree Yadav. She was born in Rewari, Haryana, but has spent her whole life in Delhi. Tejashwi and Rajshree attended DPS school in RK Puram, New Delhi, together.