Fabindia, the apparel brand's tweet on its Diwali collection was targeted by Bengaluru MP Tejasvi Surya for hurting Hindu sentiments. The MP charged the apparel brand of attempting 'Abrahamisation' of the Hindu festival. MP's tweet went viral as many right-wing leaders started to troll Fabindia and following this it removed the advertisement on social media platforms.
The fashion brands which attempt to use captions and models and dress collections to promote themselves ahead of festive season are also under scanner for going overboard and this time it is an apparel brand 'Fabindia' which ended sparking a controversy as BJP Yuva Morcha President and Bengaluru MP Tejasvi Surya alleged 'defacing' Hindu festivals.
Surya took to twitter against the apparel brand using models without Hindu community's customary attire during festivals and also using captions that suit the festivals of another community.
Deepavali is not Jash-e-Riwaaz.
This deliberate attempt of abrahamisation of Hindu festivals, depicting models without traditional Hindu attires, must be called out.
And brands like must face economic costs for such deliberate misadventures. https://t.co/uCmEBpGqsc
Surya not just took objection to the abrahamisation of Hindu festivals but also hinted at boycotting Fabindia products.
The social media warriors soon swung into action and many started to retweet and also left comments.
Echoing solidarity with Surya for the boycott of Fabindia products, many followers also tweeted expressing the same views.
One of the supporters includes MLA from Uttarakhand, Rajkumar shared the screenshot of the controversial advertisement and also questioned whether the ad is for some Pakistani festival?
Deepavali is not Jash-e-Riwaaz...Period!!!
Seems like Fab India has done this deliberately to hurt Hindu Sentiment. pic.twitter.com/oczgyUlmIF
Fearing trouble, the brand reportedly took down the controversial advertisement.
Recently Niyaaz Briyani of Belagavi also had landed in trouble after it hurt Hindu sentiments after its Instagram post ended up in controversy. The promoters used the popular web series 'Sacred Games' image and put a caption saying 'Baba Ki Biriyaani Dena Hoga'.
The food joint removed the post and apologized following a police complaint as sections of Hindu groups took objection to baba as Hindu seers shown as meat eaters.
Now the same place Belagavi has come in the news for another reason as Bajrang Dal activists displayed swords in public and danced on the eve of Ayudha Puja. The video has gone viral prompting the district administration to order a probe.