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Indian Navy bids farewell to UH-3H helicopter after 17 years of service; check details

By Anish KumarFirst Published Jun 28, 2024, 9:00 PM IST

Brought to Indian shores in 2007 along with INS Jalashwa, the UH-3H helicopter was inducted into INAS 350 christened 'Saaras' on March 24, 2009 at INS Dega, Vishakhapatnam. 

Visakhapatnam: After being in service for over 17 years, Indian Navy on Friday de-inducted UH-3H helicopter at a ceremony held at INS Dega in Visakhapatnam.

The UH-3H helicopter will be replaced by Sea King 42C helicopter at INAS 350, to continue and deliver operational power and capability in the region. 

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Indian Navy bids farewell to UH-3H helicopter at , Visakhapatnam.

— Anish Singh (@anishsingh21)

“The de-induction ceremony of UH-3H helicopter marks the end of a remarkable era that introduced innovative capabilities in Special Operations and SAR missions,” Indian Navy spokesperson Commander Vivek Madhwal said.

Brought to Indian shores in 2007 along with INS Jalashwa, the UH-3H helicopter was inducted into INAS 350 christened 'Saaras' on March 24, 2009 at INS Dega, Vishakhapatnam. 

The helicopter has played a crucial role in Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations, security of offshore installations and special operations. Its advanced Search and Rescue (SAR) capabilities and logistical support were vital during natural disasters, often making the difference between despair and relief, and saving countless lives. 

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The mighty ‘Saaras’ adorns the squadron crest embodying the motto "Strength, Valour and Perseverance." 

The Helicopter diligently upheld its commitment, maintaining a vigilant watch, ensuring the security of our nation's maritime boundaries with unwavering dedication.

Madhwal also said that one UH-3H will be permanently displayed at prominent location in City of Destiny, Visakhapatnam, inspiring future generations.

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