Orlando reprisal: Pro-ISIS Twitter accounts flooded with gay porn

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Jun 16, 2016, 9:31 AM IST

For the Islamic State (ISIS) Twitter has remained the preferred platform for spreading its propaganda of hate and violence, however, earlier on Wednesday a hacker on behalf of those killed in Orlando decided to take on the terrorist group's supporters online.


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A hacker named 'WauchulaGhost' has claimed that he took over as many as 258 Twitter accounts belonging to ISIS individuals and flooded their feeds with pro-LGBT and pro-America material. The hacktivist also put up gay porn on the Twitter feed.


'WauchulaGhost' said that he took the step against ISIS for those killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando Florida by Omar Mateen, an Islamic State recruit. ISIS supporters have praised the nightclub attack since the news broke. 

“I did it for the lives lost in Orlando,” WauchulaGhost, who is affiliated with the hactivist collective Anonymous, told Newsweek. “Daesh have been spreading and praising the attack, so I thought I would defend those that were lost. The taking of innocent lives will not be tolerated.” [Daesh is an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria]

Another #DaeshBag in #Jordan. @hddgfgds1. Remembering the Innocent lives lost. #Orlando #Anonymous #GhostOfNoNation

— WauchulaGhost (@WauchulaGhost) June 14, 2016

WauchulaGhost, however, clarified to NewsWeek that his intentions are not to offend Muslims. “Our actions are directed at Jihadist extremists. Many of our own [group of hackers] are Muslim and we respect all religions that do not take innocent lives,” the hacker said.

For you #Orlando. #Daesh in Iraq @gi_h_a_d35 #OpDaesh #Anonymous #GhostOfNoNation

— WauchulaGhost (@WauchulaGhost) June 14, 2016



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