WhatsApp announces 4 MAJOR features to make your experience better

First Published Jun 14, 2024, 3:08 PM IST

WhatsApp rolls out major updates, 32 participants in video calls, screen sharing with audio, and more . Now, WhatsApp is rolling out a series of updates that promise to make calling even more seamless and enjoyable across all your devices.

WhatsApp changed the way we interact when it first included calling in 2015. With group calls, video calls, and cross-platform capabilities, it has developed over time. Currently, WhatsApp is releasing a number of upgrades that should enhance the smooth and pleasurable calling experience across all of your devices.

1. Sharing screen with audio calls

The ability to share screens with audio is one of the most notable additions. This is ideal for when you need to share anything on your screen during a conversation or want to view a movie together. It was possible to share your screen earlier, but now that your loved ones can hear the audio as well, the experience is far more engaging and participatory.

2. Know who is speaking

It used to be difficult to follow who was speaking on a group call, but that is no longer the case. The individual speaking will be automatically highlighted and displayed first on your screen when you use the new speaker spotlight function. This guarantees that the speaker receives the attention they deserve and facilitates easy following of talks.

3. 32 people can join video calls

Significant improvements are also being made to video calls. The maximum number of participants in a video call on WhatsApp is now 32. This implies that, regardless of whether you are using a desktop computer or a mobile device, you can now add more friends, family members, or coworkers to a single call. It's an excellent tool for online meetings, events, and even lectures.

4. Better audio and video quality

High-quality calls have always been WhatsApp's top priority, and these changes keep it that way. Better noise and echo cancellation provides crisper calls for mobile consumers, even in loud settings. Higher quality will help your video calls, as long as your internet connection is speedy. Additionally, the overall audio quality will be better and sharper, regardless of whether you're using an outdated gadget or have bad network access.

WhatsApp’s latest updates bring significant enhancements to its calling features, making it easier and more enjoyable to connect with others.

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