Durga Puja 2024: Know about the secret of Maa Durga's 10 weapons and more

First Published Sep 23, 2024, 7:56 PM IST

The purpose of Goddess Durga's weapons is to destroy demons and protect devotees. Let's explore the secrets of Maa Durga's various weapons.

Maa Durga is also known as Mahishasuramardini. According to the Devi Bhagwat Purana, when the terror of Mahishasura had increased greatly in the three worlds, Devraj Indra, along with all the deities, went to the Tridevas and told them about the power and terror of Mahishasura.

They prayed for protection from the hands of the Tridevas. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh united from the bodies of the three gods. This ray of power took the form of Maa Durga. All the gods created Maa Durga with their power.

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Goddess Durga killed Mahishasura in the dead of night and freed the gods and the entire creation from his terror. The purpose of Maa Durga's weapons is to destroy demons and protect devotees. Let's explore the secrets of Maa Durga's various weapons.

Trishul - Lord Shiva offered the Trishul in the hands of Goddess Durga. The three marks of the Trishul represent the qualities of Sattva, Tamas, and Rajas, on the balance of which the entire creation rests. With this Trishul, the mother killed Mahishasura.

Sword - The sword was given to Goddess Durga by Ganesha. The sharpness of Maa Durga's sword represents the sharpness of intellect and its brilliance represents knowledge.

Spear - The fire god gave it to the mother. It is a symbol of blazing power and auspiciousness. It distinguishes between right and wrong.

Thunderbolt - Indra Dev gave the gift of thunderbolt power to the mother. It is a symbol of the firmness of the soul, strong will. Goddess Durga gives her devotees self-confidence and strong will.

Ax or Forcha - Goddess Durga received the ax or ax from Vishwakarma. Which is a symbol of fighting evil and not being afraid of consequences.

Sudarshan Chakra - Lord Vishnu gave his Sudarshan Chakra to Maa Durga. The universe revolves around him, who is the center of creation.

Bow and Arrow - Pawan Dev and Surya Dev gave Maa Durga a bow and arrow. Which is a symbol of power. The bow represents potential energy, while the arrow or arrow represents kinetic energy.

Conch - Varun Dev gave the conch shell to Goddess Durga. Hundreds of demons are destroyed by the sound of Maa Durga's conch shell. The sound of the conch removes negativity.

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