Yoga Day 2023: 6 asanas to relieve PCOS symptoms for females

First Published Jun 21, 2023, 7:00 AM IST

If you’re suffering from irregular periods, try yoga for PCOS will not only provide relief but also aid you to an extent in regulating your menstrual problems. From Baddha Konasana to Chakki Chalanasana, here are 6 asanas to relieve your irregular PCOS symptoms.

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It is witnessed that yoga for PCOS can help open up the pelvic area and release deeply stored stress in that region. It promotes complete relaxation of both the mind and body. By practising these asanas regularly, women can facilitate the detoxification of their bodies. On World Yoga Day today, which emphasizes the necessity of practising yoga daily for everyone, let us look at 6 asanas that can aid in relieving PCOS symptoms in females. PCOS is a cause of concern for many females all across the globe today which is also a facilitator for increased stress for every girl out there today.

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1. Baddha Konasana:

Baddha Konasana, also called the Bound Angle Pose, Butterfly Pose, or Cobbler’s Pose, opens the deepest part of the hip muscles. It stimulates the abdominal organs, relieves cramps, and improves circulation.

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2. Supta Baddha Konasana:

Reclined Goddess Pose or the Reclined Cobbler’s Pose stretches the inner thighs, knees and groin. It also aids in alleviating and relieving the symptoms of stress and menstruation.

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3. Chakki Chalasana:

This is also known as the Mill Churning pose. It improves the function of reproductive organs and strengthens the abdominal organs.


4. Bhujangasana:

This back-bending pose is also a part of the traditional Surya Namaskar sequence. It is a gentle backbend practised from a face-down position that warms and strengthens the spine while opening up the chest.

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5. Matsyasana:

It is known as the ‘destroyer of all diseases.’ Also known as the fish pose, this yoga asana is useful for increasing energy levels, relieving anxiety, and opening the heart. It stretches and stimulates the organs of the belly and the throat.

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6. Navasana:

It is a seated yoga asana that requires core strength to hold the body in a “V” like shape. Apart from physical benefits, it builds concentration, stamina, and balance.

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